Educational games are very suitable for learning for children because the gameplay is not so heavy and is based on the same conditions as everyday life, which certainly does not contain bad elements that are inappropriate for children. The output of educational games that will be used for learning must really be considered because the age of kindergarten children is the age at which children's character and manners are formed. In this research, the writer will develop a game with a labyrinth concept which carries the theme "Caring for the Environment". The author adds the Non-Player Character (NPC) feature in the game which requires behavior design using the Finite State Machine algorithm with three working principles State, Event (happening), Action. The result of this research is that all the features in the developed game design have been implemented and function properly, especially the finite state machine method which is applied to NPC behavior. The Maze Game Educational Game that was developed succeeded in attracting the interest of the children who played it and the "Care for the Environment" content in this game was easy for children to understand.
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