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  • Jurnal Manajemen Indonesia
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  • Idealog: Ide dan Dialog Desain Indonesia
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  • JMECS (Journal of Measurements, Electronics, Communications, and Systems)
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  • IJoICT (International Journal on Information and Communication Technology)
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  • IJIES (International Journal of Innovation in Enterprise System)
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  • Jurnal Ilmiah LISKI (Lingkar Studi Komunikasi)
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  • IJAIT (International Journal of Applied Information Technology)
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  • Demandia : Jurnal Desain Komunikasi Visual, Manajemen Desain, dan Periklanan
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  • Indonesian Journal on Computing (Indo-JC)
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  • Jurnal Elektro dan Telekomunikasi Terapan (e-Journal)
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  • Jurnal Rekayasa Sistem & Industri (JRSI)
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  • TEKTRIKA - Jurnal Penelitian dan Pengembangan Telekomunikasi, Kendali, Komputer, Elektrik, dan Elektronika
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  • JAF (Journal of Accounting and Finance)
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  • Charity : Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat
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  • Business Journal : Jurnal Bisnis Dan Sosial
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  • [CEPAT] Journal of Computer Engineering: Progress, Application and Technology
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  • KALATANDA : Jurnal Desain dan Media Kreatif
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  • Journal of Data Science and Its Applications
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  • Indonesian Journal of Digital Public Relations (IJDPR)
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  • LOGIC: Jurnal Penelitian Informatika
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  • Journal of Indonesia Business Research (JIBR)
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  • Journal of Production, Enterprise, and Industrial Applications
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  • Journal of Communication, Business and Social Science (JCOBS)
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  • Jurnal Nasional SAINS dan TEKNIK
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  • Journal of Applied Engineering and Social Science (JAESS)
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  • Journal of Computer, Electronic, and Telecommunication
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  • The Proceeding of Community Service and Engagement (COSECANT) Seminar
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  • Jurnal Teknologi Informasi
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  • DICTUM : Digital Media, Culture and Humanities Journal
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  • International Journal of Technological Innovation for Society
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