• aulia el hakim Politeknik Negeri Madiun
  • Hendrik Kusbandono
  • Fata Izzan Hafidz Jihaadi
  • Riska Widiyaningsih Fata
##plugins.pubIds.doi.readerDisplayName## https://doi.org/10.25124/jett.v8i1.3844


Muscle weakness is a condition when one side of the body experiences weakness so that it is difficult to move that part. Muscle weakness is commonly experienced by post-stroke patients or patients with muscle injuries. However, the use of Electromyography can only be used by medical personnel and the cost is quite expensive. Therefore, the manufacture of portable surface electromyography is intended to assist users in knowing the condition of muscle strength. The muscle signal can be read with a surface electrode connected to the Differential Amplifier circuit, then the signal is processed with a series of filter Circuit: LPF, HPF and Notch Filter to reduce noise, and an adder circuit to increase the signal so that it can be read as adc which is connected to raspberry pi and can be connected via Bluetooth. Testing the whole Surface Electromyography tool is able to read and display signals on the raspberry pi and can find out the type of movement using the FFT and MPF methods. The type of flexion motion has an MPF ??value of less than 180Hz and the extension movement has an MPF ??value of more than 180Hz.




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HAKIM, aulia el et al. RANCANG BANGUN ELEKTROMIOGRAFI PERMUKAAN PORTABEL. Jurnal Elektro dan Telekomunikasi Terapan (e-Journal), [S.l.], v. 8, n. 1, p. 997 - 1005, agu. 2021. ISSN 2442-4404. Tersedia pada: <//journals.telkomuniversity.ac.id/jett/article/view/3844>. Tanggal Akses: 03 juli 2024 doi: https://doi.org/10.25124/jett.v8i1.3844.