• Ida Ayu Anindya Chintya Aridewi Institut Seni Indonesia Denpasar
  • Ida Ayu Dyah Maharani
  • I Gede Mugi Raharja


Chairs in auditorium are important pieces of furniture that used for a long time by the audience. So it is important to know the anthropometry size of the auditorium chair. besides anthropometry, auditorium chairs are used to support sound comfort. This study focuses on the anthropometry of the auditorium chairs at the Giri Nata Mandala Cultural Center and chairs as a support for the acoustic quality of the auditorium. The purpose of this study was to examine the design of auditorium chairs from an anthropometry perspective, identify and measure seats from an acoustic perspective. the method used is a quantitative descriptive method. Data obtained based on direct measurements and analyzed using anthropometric theory and theories related to acoustics. the results obtained  that the auditorium chairs have been designed according to Indonesian standards. So that in terms of anthropometry, chairs are comfortable to use for a long time. If the auditorium chairs are analyzed using literature related to acoustics, they meet the standards. However, there are some inconveniences when the auditorium is used for events. Audience who were in the front row to the middle on the left and right corridors complained that the sound was too loud to make the chairs they were sitting on vibrate. In addition, the vibration of the seats is felt when other audience pass by in the corridor. For further improvements, it would be better to pay attention to the sound volume and material of the chair and floor to reduce vibration on the chair.


CHINTYA ARIDEWI, Ida Ayu Anindya; DYAH MAHARANI, Ida Ayu; MUGI RAHARJA, I Gede. ANTHROPOMETRY AND ACOUSTIC REVIEWAT AUDITORIUMSEAT OF GIRI NATA MANDALA CULTURE CENTER. Ide dan Dialog Desain Indonesia (Idealog), [S.l.], v. 8, n. 1, p. 49 - 60, apr. 2023. ISSN 2615-6776. Tersedia pada: <//>. Tanggal Akses: 17 mei 2024 doi: