IJIES (International Journal of Innovation in Enterprise System)

  • Journal Title International Journal of Innovation in Enterprise System
  • Initials IJIES
  • Frequency Two issues per year
  • DOI 10.25124/ijies
  • E-ISSN 2580-3050
  • Editor-in-chief Tien Fabrianti Kusumasari
  • Publisher Telkom University
  • Organizer School of Industrial Engineering

IJIES (International Journal of Innovation in Enterprise System) is a peer-reviewed international journal published by Faculty of Industrial Engineering, Telkom University, Bandung, West Java, Indonesia. The journal publishes original articles of significant value in all areas of innovation in Enterprise Systems. The journal covers research articles, research-in-brief, and review articles comprising all discipline related to Enterprise Systems, particularly Information Systems & Technology, and relevant multidisciplinary domain such as Industrial Engineering and Management. The journal welcomes relevant publishable articles including technical innovation, practical IS adoption, management innovation, and etc, which is considered as high valued work in this area. The journal provides three sections; original research article, research-in-brief, and review article.

This journal was previously accessible at https://ijies.telkomuniversity.ac.id/. However, for security reasons, we have moved to this new website. All future publications and journal activities will now take place here. Articles published up to Volume 11 will remain accessible at our previous website: https://ijies.telkomuniversity.ac.id/, while new issues and submissions will be available exclusively on this platform. Please update your bookmarks accordingly.