Focus and Scope

Journal of Communication and Information Technology (CommIT) focuses on various issues spanning: Internet of Things (IoT), electronics engineering, software engineering, mobile technology and applications, robotics, database system, information engineering, artificial intelligence, interactive multimedia, computer networking, information system audit, accounting information system, information technology investment, information system development methodology, strategic information system (business intelligence, decision support system, executive information system, enterprise system, knowledge management), e-learning, and e-business (e-health, e-commerce, e-supply chain management, e-customer relationship management, e-marketing, and e-government).

Since the research of communication and information technology in Indonesia grows exponentially, CommIT journal provides the outlet to make the work of Indonesian researchers more accessible globally, in which we have used full English in our articles starting from 2016. However, we would like to also welcome high-quality researches from international authors.

CommIT has been accredited by the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education under the decree number 105/E/KPT/2022 and has been indexed and abstracted by Scopus, ASEAN Citation Index, Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ), Science and Technology Index 1 (SINTA 1), Indonesia OneSearch, Academic Research Index (Research BIB), Garda Rujukan Digital (Garuda), Bielefeld Academic Search Engine (BASE), World Catalogue (WorldCat), Google Scholar, and Indonesian Research Repository (Neliti).