Perancangan Sistem Monitoring Pupuk Organik Yang Dihasilkan Dari Limbah Durian Berbasis IOT


  • Exal Deo Jayata Barus
  • Aris Hartaman
  • Sugondo Hadiyoso



Development, Virtual Expo, UI, UX, Figma


This project discusses the development of an interactive Virtual Expo based on UI/UX using the Figma application at
PT. Indocement Tunggal Prakarsa. The interactive Virtual Expo is a virtual platform designed to replace physical exhibition events within the company. Users can explore various exhibition areas, access product information, and interact with
exhibition materials virtually. The development utilizes the Figma application, which is a collaborative and intuitive UI/UX
design tool. The project follows the Multimedia Development Life Cycle (MDLC) method, consisting of initialization, blueprint
design, asset preparation, product development, testing, and validation. The Black Box Testing and System Usability Scale
(SUS) testing results showed that this project achieved an average score of 68, indicating that the Adjective Rating for the
interactive Virtual Expo application is ”Okay” and falls into Grade C based on the SUS score interpretation guidelines. By
employing this method, the project aims to have feature designs that can be optimally used and attract users, ensuring easy
accessibility to the interactive Virtual Expo at PT. Indocement Tunggal Prakarsa


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