Ethics of Publication


JETT (Journal  Elektro dan Telekomunikasi) is a scientific publication containing article research in the field of Electronic Engineering, Telecommunication Engineering, and Multimedia that has never been published before. This statement of ethical codes of ethics is a statement of ethical code of all parties involved in the process of publication of this scientific journal of managers, editors, partners, and writers. This statement of ethical code of scientific publication is based on the Head of LIPI Regulation No. 5 of 2014 on the Code of Ethics of Scientific Publications, which in essence of the Code of Ethics of Scientific Publications essentially upholds three ethical values in publications, namely:

1. Neutrality, which is free from conflict of interest in the management of publications;
2. Justice, which gives the right of authorship to the author as author / author; and
3. Honesty, that is free from duplication, fabrication, falsification, and plagiarism (DF2P) in publication.


Duties and Responsibilities of Editor in Chief: 
  1. Determining the name of the journal, scope of science, scaling, and accreditation if necessary.
  2. Define editor's membership.
  3. Define the relationship between publishers, editors, bestari partners, and others.
  4. Appreciate the things that are confidential, both for contributing researchers, authors / authors,
      editors, or bestari partners.
  5. Implementing norms and provisions on intellectual property rights, especially copyright.
  6. Conduct a review of journal policy and submit it to the author / author, editor, bestari partner, and
  7. Make code guidelines behave for editors and partners bestari.
  8. Publish the journal regularly.
  9. Ensure the availability of funding sources for the sustainability of journal issuance.
10. Build a network of cooperation and marketing.
11. Improving the quality of the journal.
12. Preparing licensing and other legality aspects.

Duties and Responsibilities of the Editor:
1. The editor provides comments on the writer's writings so readers can understand what the author
    wants to convey, through comments written on the script.
2. The editor provides comments on the author's writings in accordance with the EYD (Enhanced Spelling)
    or the language in accordance with the standardization of the journal.
3. The Editor strives to continuously improve the quality of publications;
4. Editor prioritizes freedom of expression objectively,
5. The editor submits corrections, clarifications, withdrawals and apologies if necessary,
6. The editor makes sure that the author's writing is not related to SARA or anything that may harm the 
    Publisher and coordinate the author's writing to the editor of the publisher's editor if the article is a bit               controversial.
7. The Editor accepts, reviews and follows up on complaints from all parties involved in journal publishing;
8. The Editor supports initiatives to educate researchers about ethical publications,
9. The editor shall not defend his own opinion, the author or any third party which may result in a non-
      objective decision,
10. Editor encourages authors / authors, in order to make improvements to the paper to be published.
11. The editor does the script layout to be published to fit the journal template.
12. Editors assist editors in finalizing the text before being printed and published, especially in terms of                 language, format and layout.

 Duties and Responsibilities of Bestari Partners:
1. Provide objective and unbiased feedback on the value of scholarship and manuscript contributions to the    development of science;
2. Indicates whether the writing of the manuscript is sufficiently clear, complete, and relevant, and  whether the text fits the scope of the journal;
3. Not giving personal criticism or comment; and
4. Maintain the confidentiality of the manuscript, by not discussing it with unrelated parties, or disclosing information contained in the manuscript to other parties. 

Duties and Responsibilities of Website Administrators:
The Website Administrator is the person responsible for managing the journal website. Specifically, the scope of the Website Administrator task is as follows:
1. Setting up journal websites;
2. Configure system options and manage user accounts;
3. Register for editors, reviewers and authors;
4. Managing journal features;
5. View report statistics; and
6. Upload / publish papers that are already accepted.

In the event of any form of violation and fraud either intentionally or unintentionally shall be the sole responsibility of the author.The editors are entirely entitled to duplication and publication of papers wherever regardless of JETT policy.

Additional Info:
The author is the party who sends the manuscript / paper to the manager in this case is the JETT Editor for consideration of the feasibility of his paper.
The Editor  is the party who receives the paper submitted by the author, which is then examined to be accepted or not, then announces to the author whether the manuscript / paper is ACCEPTED, RECEIVED WITH REVISION, OR REJECTED.