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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The article is typed in Ms-Word for Windows and the length of the article is between 5000-5500 words with Single Space (10 to 11 pages approx).
  • The submission file is in Microsoft Word document file format.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text meets the formatting requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines of Jurnal Lingkar Studi Komunikasi
  • The manuscript does not contain plagiarism, falsification and/or fabrication of data.

Author Guidelines


=>  The article must be original to the research report and related to communication science.,

=>  The article is typed in Ms-Word for Windows and the length of the article is between 5000-5500 words.


1.INTRODUCTION (Capital, Times New Roman, 12, Bold, Center, Single Space) 

The introduction consists of research background. literature reviews, research purpose and research question. Do not use subtitle on the Introduction. (Times New Roman, 12, Single Space) – (Indent Right 2 cm and Indent Left 2 cm) – (Spacing Before 2 cm and Spacing After 2 cm). 

2. RESEARCH METHOD (Capital, Times New Roman, 12, Bold, Center, Single Space) 

The research methodology should explain the research design, data source, data collecting technique, and data analysis in Qualitative Study. (Times New Roman, 12, Single Space) – (Indent Right 2 cm and Indent Left 2 cm) – (Spacing Before 2 cm and Spacing After 2 cm). 

3. RESULT (Capital, Times New Roman, 12, Bold, Center, Single Space) 

The result consists of the data elaboration in scientific narration in accordance with the research question. (Times New Roman, 12, Single Space) – (Indent Right 2 cm and Indent Left 2 cm) – (Spacing Before 2 cm and Spacing After 2 cm). 

4. DISCUSSION (Capital, Times New Roman, 12, Bold, Center, Single Space) 

The discussion consists of logical and critical thought of the author argumentation using appropriate theory/concept/literature.  The percentage of Discussion Page should be displayed more than the Result Page(Times New Roman, 12, single space) – (Indent Right 2 cm and Indent Left 2 cm) – (Spacing Before 2 cm and Spacing After 2 cm). 

5.CONCLUSION (Capital, Times New Roman, 12, Bold, Center, Single Space) 

Do not use pointers to conclude the researchThe conclusion should be outlined on paragraphs which contained of main discussion summary from the research result(Times New Roman, 12, single space) – (Indent Right 2 cm and Indent Left 2 cm) – (Spacing Before 2 cm and Spacing After 2 cm). 

6.REFERENCES (Capital, Times New Roman, 12, Bold, Center, Single Space) 

All references should be listed in the research articleThe validity period of references usage in Jurnal LISKI is 10 years backyardThe references must be referred to Journals of 80% and other references of 10%. (Times New Roman, 12, single space) – (Indent Right 2 cm and Indent Left 2 cm) – (Spacing Before 2 cm and Spacing After 2 cm).  

7. Jurnal LISKI uses anti plagiarism application of iThenticate. The number of level similarity index must be below 20 % on each article.  



The references styles are referred to Harvard style.?  

All references should be listed in the research articleThe validity period of references usage in Jurnal LISKI is 10 years backyardThe references must be referred to Journals of 80% and other references of 10%