Representasi Makna Halal pada Konten Instagram Halal Corner

  • Shabrina Fitria Az Zahra Telkom University


The halal lifestyle is a lifestyle trend that is currently developing in Indonesia because many Indonesian Muslims are starting to practice it. The development of the application of the halal lifestyle in Indonesia does not cover the fact that there are still many Muslims who do not practice the halal lifestyle due to low awareness of carrying out the halal lifestyle so the halal lifestyle campaign still needs to be carried out. Halal Corner is a community that campaigns for a halal lifestyle by utilizing Instagram social media. Halal Corner content contains information about a halal lifestyle. The question is how the Halal Corner represents the meaning of halal in the messages contained in Instagram content. This study uses a descriptive qualitative method to explain the semiotic analysis of Halal Corner content using Roland Bhartes' semiotic theory approach. Data collection uses observation of content that has been uploaded by Halal Corner. This study aims to explain the meaning of Halal Corner content in interpreting halal which is used in content messages so that it can influence the audience to adopt a halal lifestyle. According to the results of this study, the word "halal" refers to a product or service that is permitted for use or consumption and does not conflict with Islamic law, which refers to Indonesia's halal-haram law. The content also promotes halal as a healthier lifestyle option.

Keywords: Roland Bhartes Semiotic, Halal Lifestyle, Halal Corner, Instagram


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How to Cite
AZ ZAHRA, Shabrina Fitria. Representasi Makna Halal pada Konten Instagram Halal Corner. JURNAL RUPA, [S.l.], v. 8, n. 2, dec. 2023. ISSN 2503-1066. Available at: <//>. Date accessed: 03 july 2024. doi: