Author Guidelines

The JURNAL RUPA editor welcomes a vast range of manuscripts, including but not limited to: research report articles, essay, interview, statement of practice/artist statement, reviews (film, exhibition or book). The manuscript should cover the scope of art, craft, and visual cultures. The manuscript can be written in proper Bahasa Indonesia or English.

Author(s) is required to follow JURNAL RUPA journal guidelines. All the articles will be reviewed by JURNAL RUPA reviewers. The editor is entitled to change some parts of contents (without changing the meaning)

Submission of Paper

  • The editor receives articles in softcopy in Microsoft Word (rtf/doc/docx) format, submitted via JURNAL RUPA Open Journal System. Please click
  • The manuscript typed in Microsoft Word (rtf/doc/docx) with A4 paper size
  • To maintain the authenticity of the manuscripts, the author(s) is obliged to send a letter stating that “The article was written by the author and plagiarism-free. The article content has never been published in any print media or online services” to the editor’s email address: [email protected]
  • A scan similarity process will be conducted to the articles received using iThenticate software, It is expected that the results show less than 25%, unless the articles will be returned to the author(s) for revision

Manuscript Format

Research Report Article

  • Should be written with the following elements in the following order: title page; abstract, keywords; main text introduction, materials and methods, results, conclusion; acknowledgments; declaration of interest statement; references; appendices (as appropriate); table(s) with caption(s) (on individual pages); figures; figure captions (as a list)
  • The manuscript should be no more than 6000 words, inclusive of references
  • The manuscript should contain an unstructured abstract of 200 words between 5 and 10 keywords, abstract should be written in English and Indonesia

Essay / Statement of Practice

  • The manuscript should be written with the following elements in the following order: title page; abstract, keywords; main text introduction, discussion (this section does not necessarily labelled as “discussion”, author can renamed and divide the section as author wished), conclusion; acknowledgments; disclosure statement; references
  • The manuscript should be no more than 6000 words, inclusive of references
  • The manuscript should contain an unstructured abstract of 200 words between 5 and 10 keywords, abstract should be written in English and Indonesia

Book Review

  • The manuscript should use the title of the book
  • Information of the book should be included as the subtitle of the manuscript with the following elements in the following order; name of the author, title, place of publication, name of the publisher, year of the publication, number of pages, information on the title and the series number (if applicable), ISBN number, price (if applicable), soft or hardcover
  • The manuscript should be written with the following elements in the following order: discussion (this section does not necessarily named as “discussion”, author can rename and divide the section as the author wished); references
  • The manuscript should be no more than 6000 words, inclusive of references

Exhibition Review

  • The manuscript should use the title of the exhibition
  • Information of the exhibition should be included as the subtitle of the manuscript with the following elements in the following order; the name of the artist (if applicable), the place of exhibition, the city where the exhibition is organised, the date of exhibition, the curator of exhibition (if applicable)
  • The manuscript should be written with the following elements in the following order: discussion (this section does not necessarily label as “discussion”, the author can rename and divide the section as the author wished); references
  • The manuscript should be no more than 6000 words, inclusive of references


Table should be submitted within the manuscript and in separated file of Microsoft Excel (xls.). Table should be numbered in sequence. Table title should be brief and clear above the table, with uppercase in initial sentence. Vertical line should not be used. Footnote use number with colon and superscripted. Symbol of (*) or (**) was used to show difference in confidence interval of 95 and 99%.


Images should be submitted within the manuscript and in separated files. Figures should be in high resolution and well contrast in JPEG or PDF with the resolution minimum 400 dpi (dot per inch). Please click “Other” to upload images then continue to “Review Details” to fill the description of the images. Author can submit up to ten images; journal editors will make a selection of up to six from these and author should indicate if any are of particular importance

  • Author should provide full captions with your images, including any courtesy lines, using the format: artist’s name, title of work, date, media, dimensions, collection (or place of exhibition), photo credit, i.e:

Ratu Adil, Sabda Alam, 2005, oil on canvas, 1500 x 300 cm, collection of  the artist, photo: Pike Tangas

  • Frame captures, also called film stills, are generally considered to fall in the realm of fair use for scholarly publishing. Essentially, a frame capture represents 1/24th of one second of a film, which hardly represents the whole heart of the work, and cannot be said to infringe upon the market for the film. Film stills should not be confused with Production or Publicity Stills, which are photographs taken on a film’s set, and which may be subject to copyright protection
  • If the images come from the third party, author must supply written permission to reproduce images from the copyright holder – this can take the form of an email. Exceptions includes book and magazine covers and film posters. Please also supply the name and address of the copyright holder so that they can be sent a complimentary copy of the issue in which their image appears


  • Primary references include journal, patent, dissertation, thesis, paper in proceeding and text book.
  • Avoid self-citation.
  • Author should avoid reference in reference, popular book, and internet reference except online scientific journal
  • Author was not allowed to use abstract as references.
  • References should been published (book, research journal or proceeding). Unpublished references or not displayed data cannot be used as references.
  • Citation in the manuscript typed only the references number (not the author and year), example: Obesity is an accumulation of fat in large quantities which would cause excessive body weight (overweight)[1]. Obesity is a risk factor of diabetic, hypertension dan atherosclerosis [2].
  • References typed in numbering list (format number 1,2,3,…), ordered sequentially as they appear in the text(system of Vancouveror author-number style), i.e:

    [1]. Vander, A., J. Sherman., D. Luciano. 2001. Human Physiology: The Mecanisms of Body Function. McGraw-Hill Higher Education. New York. (Book)
    [2]. Shi, Z., M. Rifa’i, Y. Lee, K. Isobe, H. Suzuki. 2007. Importance of CD80/CD86-CD28 interaction in the recognation of target cells by CD8+CD122+regulatory T cells. Journal Immunology.  1:121-128. (Article in Journal)
    [3]. Syafi’i, M., Hakim, L., dan Yanuwiyadi, B. 2010. Potential Analysis of Indigenous Knowledge(IK) in Ngadas Village as Tourism Attraction. pp. 217-234. In: Widodo, Y. Noviantari (eds.) Proceed-ing Basic Science National Seminar 7 4. Universitas Brawijaya, Malang. (Article within conference proceeding)
    [4]. Dean, R.G. 1990. Freak waves: A possible explanation. p. 1-65. InTorum, A., O.T. Gudmestad (eds). Water wave kinetics. CRC Press. New York. (Chapter in a Book)
    Astuti, A.M. 2008. The Effect of Water Fraction of Stellaria on the Content of TNF-? in Mice (Mus musculusBALB-C). Thesis. Department of Biology. University of Brawijaya. Malang. (Thesis)