Author Guidelines

Submission of Papers:
All papers are subjected to a blind peer review process. Manuscripts are invited from academicians, research students, and scientists for publication consideration. Papers are accepted for editorial consideration through online submission with the understanding that they have not been published, submitted or accepted for publication elsewhere. All manuscripts follows our submission process. Papers accepted for publication may not be published elsewhere in the same form, either in the language of the paper or any other language, without the consent of the Editorial Board.

Publication Cost:
Free of charge. 

Manuscripts should be written in MS-WORD or Latex format. The template can be downloaded here: MS Word or Latex.

Transactions paper should not exceed 25 typeset, printed pages. Order of parts: Title of article, author's names, author's institutional affiliations, abstract (maximum 200 words suitable for abstracting services), main text, tables (each starting with a caption) and figure captions, list of symbols and abbreviations (if necessary), numbered list of references, biographical sketch, and original figures. 

The JMECS manuscript is divided into three parts. The first part includes the title, author’s name, abstract, and keywords. Titles should be concise and informative, clearly stating the main findings of the manuscript. A good title indicates the relationships among the variables studied, for example “The Effect of Surface Dielectric Variations on The Optical Properties of MoS2 Nanosheets”. Avoid hyperboles, abbreviations, and brands.)

The first part is written in single column format while the second and third parts of the paper must be edited in double column format. The main text must be written in Times New Roman, font 10, and line spacing of 12 points. The font size, line spacing, and margin of the template must not be altered.

The main body of the manuscript et least should consist of Introduction section, Experimental Method or Theoretical Modeling sections, Results and Discussion section, and Conclusion section. Other similar section title can be used.

The second part is the main body of the paper that includes the references. The third part is the author’s profile. The first part is written in single column format while the second and third parts of the paper must be edited in double column format. 

The main body of the manuscript at least should consist of Introduction section, Experimental Method or Theoretical Modeling sections, Results and Discussion section, and Conclusion section. Other similar section titles can be used.

The title of the paper should be concise and definitive (with key appropriate for retrieval purposes). Style : Time New Roman, Font 16

Author Names and Affiliations:
It is journal policy that all those who have participated significantly in the technical aspects of a paper be recognized as co-authors or cited in the acknowledgments. In the case of a paper with more than one author, correspondence concerning the paper will be sent to the first author unless staff is advised otherwise.

Author name should consist of first name, middle initial, last name. The author affiliation should consist of the following, as applicable, in the order noted:

  • Company or college (with department name or company division)
  • Postal address
  • City, state, zip code
  • Country name
  • Telephone, fax, and e-mail

Style : Times New Roman, Font 11. Authors are grouped by institution with the name of the institution following each group

Abstract must be written in Times New Roman, bold, font 10. It should briefly highlight the importance of the research, the statement of the problem, the experimental methods and procedures, the results, as well as the research novel contributions. Abstract contains one paragraph with a maximum of 200 words. Do not include any new material that has not been covered elsewhere in the main text. Avoid moral or cliché statements. A brief and accurate abstract allows the potential readers to determine quickly whether they want to read the main text in full.

A short abstract (200 words maximum) should open the paper. The purposes of an abstract are:

  1. to give a clear indication of the objective, scope, and results of the paper so that readers may determine whether the full text will be of particular interest to them;
  2. to provide key words and phrases for indexing, abstracting, and retrieval purposes.

The abstract should not attempt to condense the whole subject matter into a few words for quick reading. 

It should be 4 up to 7 keywords; They should be written in alphabetical order; Separated by semicolon; Upper case at the beginning of each keyword (Times New Roman, font 9, upper case at the beginning of each keyword).

Introduction should contain background/motivation of research, state of the art, research questions/problem, and the research novelty.

The Research Method  should clearly explain your experimental or modeling design, assumptions, instruments,  and steps to obtain the results. If necessary the authors are allowed to add theoretical review in a separate section before the method. Literature or theoretical reviews supporting the research method can be added in this section.

Result(s) and Discussion:
Results should clearly show the readable and understandable data. The results section should include the findings of your study without any interpretations. The findings should be presented using text supported by tables, charts, graphs and other figures. Clear original figures should be used. Figures and tables are suggested to be placed at the top or at the bottom of each column.

Clarity of all figures is extremely important. Multiple figures should have clearly indexes.  All graphs should have clear axes, legends, and related units. In the main text please refer to figure number instead of direction like below, above, left, and right. All figures and tables should be explained in the text. 

The discussion can be directly written following the results or is written in a separate section. The discussion section will include an explanation of the results. You should connect your results to previous research studies, make explicit connections back to your research question(s) and include an explanation about how the results might be generalized. This is where you make an argument that supports your main conclusions. In the discussion section you interpret your results and explain what they mean, draw implications from your results and articulate why they matter, discuss any limitations of your results, and provide recommendations that can be made from these results.

The conclusion should briefly mention the summary and novel contribution of the manuscripts. Outlook and suggestion for future research are welcome.

This is an example of the acknowledgment. This work supported by Research Program supported by the Department of Education and Technology (program name), Country Name. The author is gratefully acknowledge Prof. M. Salamah for the fruitful discussion.

Reference (Times New Roman, Font 10, Bold, Italic, Heading 2, Manual Numbering)

References should be listed at the end of the paper and arranged in order. References should be cited in the main text by numerals in a square bracket. All journal articles must include author names, name of journal/proceeding/book, volume, number, and pages. The journal title, conference title, and book title must be in italic.

We use IEEE reference format and this is the example of how to write references. The minimum number of main references are 15 and should be from the last 5 years.

The reference list should be cited in accordance with the following examples:

[1] A. Rusdinar, J. Kim, and S. Kim, Error pose correction of mobile robot for SLAM problem using laser range finder based on particle filter, International Conference on Control, Automation, and Systems, Gyeonggi-do, Korea (2010) 52-55

[2] Barnes, M., Stresses in Solenoids, Journal of Appl. Phys., 48(5) (2011), 2000–2008.

[3] Jones, J., Contact Mechanics Chap. 6., Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, United Kingdom (2013)

Review Process
The review process can be seen at Review Process

Paper Acceptance:
The final decision on publication is made by the Editor-in-Chief upon recommendation of Editorial Board Members. 

Copy Right:
Each manuscript must be accompanied by a statement that it has neither published nor submitted for publication, in whole or in part, either in a serial, professional journal or as a part in a book which is formally published and made available to the public. For the mutual benefit and protection of authors and publishers it is necessary that authors provide formal written consent to publish and originality statement form before publication.

Proofreads will be sent to the corresponding author and should be returned one week of receipt. Corrections should be restricted to typesetting errors; any other corrections may be charged to the authors. Authors are advised to check their proofs very carefully before return, since the inclusion of late corrections cannot be acceptable. Corrected proofs are to be returned to the publishers. 

Frequency of Publication:
Two issues in a year