Idealog: Ide dan Dialog Desain Indonesia

  • Journal Title Idealog: Ide dan Dialog Desain Indonesia
  • Initials Idealog
  • Frequency Two issues per year (April & December)
  • DOI 10.25124/idealog
  • E-ISSN 2615-6776
  • Print ISSN 2477-0566
  • Editor-in-chief Ully Irma Maulina Hanafiah
  • Publisher Telkom University
  • Organizer School of Creative Industries

The design world is dynamic with creativity and innovation that has been a reference in the process of making art work, and the changes that occurs in the environment of practitioners and academics. The scope of  product, interior design & architecture focused on processing  space and product, which not only limited to the art work, but in conveying IDEA and the formulation of scientific articles that led to the delivery of information in the form of DIALOGUE. Idealog is the merger of the word Idea and Dialogue, as defined above. Thus, this journal is expected as a form of dissemination of ideas and dialogue from the fields of product, interior design & architecture that can give qualified research, and can be beneficial for the  field of design.