What Do University Students Know About SDG4 Quality Education? A Case Study of Business Management Education at Telkom University Indonesia


  • Ratna Lindawati Lubis Telkom University
  • Audry Pusparani




Sustainable Development Goals are the global action plans constituted by world leaders including Indonesia at the 70th general assembly of the United Nations in New York. The next global action known as SDGs has formed 17 objectives with 169 targeted action plans up until 2030 with the theme “Transforming our world: The 2030 agenda for Sustainable Development Goals”. As a form of participation in this action, Indonesian Government has officially issued a Presidential Regulation of Republic Indonesia Number 59 of 2017 concerning the Implementation in Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. This research has the aim to determine the quality of education as one of the purposes in SDGs, namely SDG 4 in the Communication and Informatics Business Management (MBTI) study program based on the perceptions of the students taking entrepreneurship course. By gauging the level of understanding (cognitive), the ability to advocate (socio-emotional), the participation (behavioral) of the students related to SDG 4, also to measure the conformity of MBTI study program’s vision and mission with 3 Pillars of the Tridharma where it is linked directly to SDG 4 targets. As well as to disclose the readiness of MBTI study program in actualizing SDG 4 targets based on the perspective of students taking entrepreneurship courses. In order to identify each category for every variable, the writer is using descriptive analysis. The result shows that the cognitive, socio-emotional, and behavioral aspects of MBTI students are well mannered. The same thing applies to the conformity of its vision and mission linked with 3 Pillars of the Tridharma also the readiness of the study program.


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Author Biography

Ratna Lindawati Lubis, Telkom University

Ratna Lindawawati LUBIS is one of the core Faculty members at Telkom University (formerly Institut Manajemen Telkom or IM Telkom); a higher education institution under PT. Telkom Education Foundation or Yayasan Pendidikan Telkom (YPT) in West Java, Indonesia.

She comes to the higher education industry with over 8 years of experience in the architectural engineering, mostly with the Japanese construction companies (TAISEI Corporation, MAEDA Corporation, TOBISHIMA Corporation, JICA Agency, and Pacific Consultant International). She has international experience by having lived and worked in Tokyo – JAPAN with TAISEI Corporation as one of the summer intern participants in 1993, from June to August.

She has been teaching for over 20 years. Her teaching areas include Entrepreneurship, Small Business Management, New Venture Management, and Strategic Management. She has been a Faculty Advisor for thesis writing since 2002 and involved in the regular training program for PT.Telekomunikasi Indonesia,Tbk. all over Indonesia.

For the 2004 – 2007 term, she has been appointed as the Head of Center for Business and Entrepreneurship Development (CBED) and signed a Memorandum of Understanding with Badan Pengkajian Penerapan Teknologi (BPPT) to run the Business Innovation Contest among the higher education students all over Indonesia. She hold her responsibility as the Head of Research for Entrepreneurship Studies to graduate students, from 2004 to 2013.

She graduated in 1992 as a Bachelor of Architect Engineer from Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB), Indonesia. In the year of 2000, she obtained her Master in Management degree from Asian Institute of Management (AIM), Manila, Philippines under the AIM Dean’s Full Tuition Scholarship Program. On August 30th 2012, she obtained her Doctoral degree and graduated with “cum laude” honor from Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia (UPI) majoring in Education Administration for Higher Education. PT. Telkom Education Foundation grants her the scholarship program to study at UPI.

During the 2011 – 2013 term, she devoted her time to contribute as one of the International Review Committee members for World Association for Cooperative Education (WACE), Boston, Massachusetts, United States of America.

Since July 2016 until present time, her name has been added to the editorial board at http://www.internationaljournal.org/editorialboard.html.

In addition to that, she showed her scholarly activities by chairing research presentations during IJAS conferences in Austria (2013), Venice (2014), Singapore (2015), Spain (2015), Singapore (2016), Munich (2016), Malta (2017), Vienna (2017), Malta (2018), Paris (2018), Malta (2019) and Malta (2020) as part of her productive conference experiences.

She shows her active role to the global community – as a higher education lecturer as well as a lifelong learner – by exploring the online courses “MOOCs” from top universities and organization, such as HarvadX, MITx and SDGAcademyX since July 2018 until present time. Her current verification status with verified certificates is showed at https://courses.edx.org/





How to Cite

Lubis, R. L., & Pusparani, A. (2022). What Do University Students Know About SDG4 Quality Education? A Case Study of Business Management Education at Telkom University Indonesia. Jurnal Manajemen Indonesia, 22(1), 103–113. https://doi.org/10.25124/jmi.v22i1.3930