Publishing Process
This journal uses Open Journal Systems, which is open source journal management and publishing software developed, supported, and freely distributed by the Public Knowledge Project under the GNU General Public License.
1st editorial
- Every submitted manuscript will be reviewed initially on its writings and scope of topic whether fit in the guidelines or not.
- If it's not suitable topic, it will be rejected. If there are any missing requirements, the editor notify the authors to revise and resubmit it. The author(s) are given one week for doing that and resubmit it on the same workflow. The revision reminder is expected no more than 2 times. If more than two times, the editor would decline the manuscript.
2nd editorial
- the editor will assign two reviewers who are expert on the research field of the manuscript.
- This journal uses double-blind review, which means that both the reviewer and author identities are concealed from the reviewers, and vice versa, throughout the review process. To facilitate this, authors need to ensure that their manuscripts are prepared in a way that does not give away their identity.
- For the first round review, they are given two weeks time for review.
If both reviewers recommend it to proceed further, then the editor will ask the authors revising theirs as notes of reviewers. (3rd editorial) - If one of the reviewer reject it, then another one will be assigned.
- The editor will check EYD and typo before sending the manuscript back to the author(s).
3rd editorial
- For minor revision, the author(s) are given one week for doing that and resubmit it on the same workflow. All revision result must be typed in red.
- For major revision, the author(s) are given two weeks for doing that and resubmit it on the same workflow. All revision result must be typed in red. Afterwards, the manuscript will be sent to the second-round review.
- For the second-round review, the editor will assign again the same reviewer(s), who provided correction notes to review the revised manuscript for one week of time.
- If the reviewer(s) are still not satisfied with the revised one, then the editor will ask again the authors to revise again as requested.
- On the other hand, if all reviewers are satisfied and accept the revision, the editor will proceed for copyediting phase and the author will be notified by email. This email notification (Editor Decision) may be applied as Letter of Acceptance (LoA). Should the author(s) urgently require a conventional LoA, please contact the editor.
- Please note that the “request revision” reminder(s) (both of minor and major revision) is expected no more than 2 times. If more than two times, the editor would decline the manuscript.
- In copyediting, the editor will arrange the layout of the manuscript for the publishing process, including abstract proofread, DOI and the page number.
- Before publishing, the manuscript will be sent back to the author to verify and approve the manuscript without change any major content.
- After the manuscript approved by the author(s), then it will be published online at the most recent publishing schedule.