Pengelolaan Media Sosial Instagram Humas Polda Jabar dalam Meningkatkan Citra Positif Institusi Polri


  • Ilham Faturrohman
  • Sri Wahyuning Astuti∗


Kata Kunci:

Instagram, National Police, West Java Regional Police Public Relations, Image, Social Media Management


The hectic number of cases carried out by unscrupulous members of the Police has resulted in a decline in the image of
the Police in society. The two most shocking cases involved high-ranking National Police officers who respectively carried
out shooting scenarios and selling drug evidence. The use of Instagram social media by the Public Relations Division of the
West Java Regional Police is one of the efforts to improve the image of the institution in the eyes of the public. The purpose
of this research is to find out how the Public Relations Division of the West Java Regional Police contributes to and utilizes
existing features on Instagram to restore image and increase public trust. This study used a qualitative method involving
two informants from the West Java Regional Police Public Relations, one informant from lecturers who had disciplines in
the field of digital media, and three informants from followers of the West Java Regional Police Public Relations Instagram
account who had been interviewed to get the results obtained. accurate and credible. The results of this study concluded
that the Public Relations Division of the West Java Regional Police had carried out a number of stages put forward by Cutlip,
Center and Broom, but the image enhancement through social media was still not optimal because the uploads still seemed
stiff and homogeneous.


Data unduhan belum tersedia.




