Public Digital Public Relations Melalui Media Sosial Instagram Dalam Meningkatkan Citra Indonesia Di Luar Negeri (Pada Perwakilan RI di KBRI Doha, Qatar)


  • Cut Intan Fadhillah
  • Tita Melia Milyane


Kata Kunci:

KBRI Doha, Digital Public Reltions, Citra, Instagram


This research aims to elucidate the implementation of Digital Public Relations (DPR) practices through the Instagram social
media platform conducted by the Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia (KBRI) in Doha, Qatar, with a focus on enhancing
Indonesia’s international image. A nation’s image plays a pivotal role in influencing global perceptions and opinions about
the country. In the digital age, social media has emerged as a potent tool for shaping public views through compelling visual
content and narratives.Employing a descriptive approach, this study utilizes qualitative data gathered from direct observations of KBRI Doha’s Instagram account and content analysis of posted material. The theoretical framework encompasses
DPR concepts, the nation’s image, and the strategic use of social media as a communication tool. The collected data is
comprehensively analyzed to depict how KBRI Doha employs DPR practices through Instagram. The research findings
reveal that KBRI Doha has effectively employed DPR strategies through the Instagram platform by designing informative
and engaging content showcasing Indonesia’s cultural richness, economic potential, and innovative accomplishments. This
content is curated with a consistent narrative guide, focusing on enhancing the positive image of Indonesia. Additionally,
KBRI Doha actively engages with its followers, responding to inquiries and comments, thereby fostering direct dialogues
with its audience.


Data unduhan belum tersedia.




