
  • Jurnal Manajemen Indonesia

    Jurnal Manajemen Indonesia (JMI) is one of the scientific publications journal published by School of Economics and Business Telkom University
    The objectives of JMI is to establish an effective channel of communication between stakeholders including academic and research institution, businesses, governments and communities. It also aims to promote and disseminate the research finding in the development of management theories and practices, especially in Indonesia. JMI has been published since January 2001 with the frequency of issuance 3 times a year (April, August, December).

    The journal is indexed by Google Scholar, DOAJ, IPI, BASE, Crossref, Onesearchand, Garuda and awarded SINTA 2 accreditation

  • Ide dan Dialog Desain Indonesia (Idealog)

    Dunia Desain adalah sesuatu yang dinamis dengan daya kreativitas dan
    inovasi yang selalu menjadi acuan dalam melahirkan sebuah karya, dan
    berbagai perubahan yang terjadi di lingkungan praktisi, akademisi dan
    peminat bidang ini. Lingkup Desain yang difokuskan pada Interior dan
    produk ini adalah sebagai sebuah proses pengolahan ruang dan produk,
    yang tidak hanya terbatas pada perwujudan karya, namun dalam
    menyampaikan IDE serta perumusan karangan ilmiah yang berujung kepada
    penyampaian informasi tersebut dalam bentuk DIALOG. Penamaan Jurnal
    Idealog adalah penggabungan dari kata Ide dan Dialog, seperti yang
    dimaksudkan diatas. Dengan demikian, Jurnal ini diharapkan sebagai suatu
    bentuk diseminasi Ide dan Dialog dari bidang ilmu Interior dan Produk
    desain yang dapat secara terus menerus melahirkan informasi dan
    penelitian yang berbobot, dan dapat bermanfaat bagi bidang ilmu
    pengetahuan Desain.

  • JMECS (Journal of Measurements, Electronics, Communications, and Systems)

    JMECS (Journal of Measurements, Electronics, Communications, and Systems) is an international journal which publishes original works on communication, electronics, and measurement system. The target audience of JMECS are academics, scientists or engineers engaged in research and development in the above-mentioned fields. JMECS publishes full papers and letters bi-annually.

    ISSN : 2477-7986
    eISSN: 2477-7994


  • IJoICT (International Journal on Information and Communication Technology)

    IJoICT (International Journal on Information and Communication Technology) is a peer-reviewed journal in the field of computing that published twice a year; scheduled in December and June. The journal is published for those who wish to share information about their research and innovations and for those who want to know the latest results in the field of Information and Communication Technology. Accepted paper will be available online (free access), and there will be no publication fee.

  • IJIES (International Journal of Innovation in Enterprise System)

    IJIES (International Journal of Innovation in Enterprise System) is a peer-reviewed international journal published by Faculty of Industrial Engineering, Telkom University, Bandung, West Java, Indonesia. The journal publishes original articles of significant value in all areas of innovation in Enterprise Systems. The journal covers research articles, research-in-brief, and review articles comprising all discipline related to Enterprise Systems, particularly Information Systems & Technology, and relevant multidisciplinary domain such as Industrial Engineering and Management. The journal welcomes relevant publishable articles including technical innovation, practical IS adoption, management innovation, and etc, which is considered as high valued work in this area.

    The journal provides three sections; original research article, research-in-brief, and review article.


  • Lingkar Studi Komunikasi (LISKI)

    LISKI merupakan singkatan dari Lingkar Studi Komunikasi. Jurnal ilmiah LISKI mempublikasikan karya ilmiah hasil penelitian di bidang kajian ilmu komunikasi, dengan menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif, dan/atau kuantitatif. Jurnal ilmiah LISKI membuka kesempatan bagi para peneliti dari berbagai bidang, untuk mempubliksikan karya ilmiah hasil penelitian yang mengkaji fenomena komunikasi.
    Jurnal Ilmiah LISKI terbit secara berkala, dua kali dalam setahun. Dengan jadwal terbit bulan Februari dan September. Jurnal Ilmiah LISKI pertamakali terbit secara online pada bulan Januari 2015, dan dapat diakses di liski.telkomuniversity.ac.id

  • Desain Komunikasi Visual, Manajemen Desain dan Periklanan (Demandia)

    Jurnal "demandia" merupakan media publikasi cetak dan elektronik yang mempublikasikan tulisan-tulisan hasil kajian dan penelitian dalam bidang Desain Komunikasi Visual, Manajemen Desain dan Periklanan yang terbit dua kali setahun (Maret dan September). Jurnal yang dikelola oleh PPM Telkom University ini bertujuan untuk mensosialisasikan dan mengembangkan keilmuan Desain Komunikasi Visual, Manajemen Desain dan Periklanan untuk meningkatkan ilmu pengetahuan demi kesejahteraan Bangsa Indonesia.

  • IJAIT (International Journal of Applied Information Technology)

    IJAIT (International Journal of Applied Information Technology) is a peer-reviewed journal in Applied Information Technology published twice a year in May and November and organized by the School of Applied Science. 

    IJAIT (International Journal of Applied Information Technology) aims to facilitate the dissemination of cutting-edge research and advancements in applied information technology. The journal provides a platform for researchers, academics, and professionals to publish original research articles, reviews, and case studies that contribute to understanding and applying information technology in various expertise.

    The journal focuses on publishing original research results on the implementation of information systems. The topics include, but are not limited to avionics; biomedical instrumentation; biometrics; computer network design; cryptography; data compression; digital signal processing; embedded system; enterprise information system; green energy & computing; interactive programming; internet of things; IT management and governance; IT-business strategic alignment; mobile and ubiquitous computing; monitoring system and techniques; multimedia processing; network security; power electronics; remote monitoring and sensing device; robotics and avionics; signal processing circuits; smart cities and smart grids; telecommunication devices & methods; telecommunication fundamentals.

    e-ISSN 2581-1223
    This Journal is published under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License

    The journal is indexed by

    DimensionsDOAJ LogoGaruda LogoSINTA Logo

    IJAIT Office
    Fakultas Ilmu Terapan Universitas TelkomGd. Selaru Lt. 3 - Jl. Telekomunikasi No. 1,
    Bandung, 40257

  • Indonesian Journal on Computing (Indo-JC)

    Indonesian Journal on Computing (Indo-JC) is an open access scientific journal intended to bring together researchers and practitioners dealing with the general field of computing. Indo-JC is published by School of Computing, Telkom University (Indonesia).

  • Jurnal Elektro dan Telekomunikasi Terapan (e-Journal)

    Jurnal Elektro dan Telekomunikasi Terapan merupakan Jurnal Ilmiah yang diterbitkan dan dikelola oleh Direktorat Penelitian Dan Pengabdian Masyarakat Universitas Telkom . JETT memuat artikel ilmiah tentang teknologi elektro dan telekomunikasi terapan. Jurnal ini terbit 2 kali dalam satu tahun yaitu Periode Juli dan Desember. Redaksi menerima naskah jurnal dari kalangan akademisi, praktisi dan peneliti. Kelayakan naskah akan direview oleh redaksi ahli yang berkompeten dibidangnya. JETT diterbitkan dua kali setiap tahunnya yaitu di bulan Juli dan Desember.

    ISSN(p): 2407-1323ISSN(e): 2442-4404

    jurnal terindex oleh Indexing Sites


  • Jurnal Rekayasa Sistem & Industri (JRSI)

    JRSI (Jurnal Rekayasa Sistem dan Industri) merupakan jurnal ilmiah yang bersifat peer-reviewed dan open access yang diterbitkan oleh Universitas Telkom. JRSI berisi artikel ilmiah yang diangkat dari hasil penelitian, gagasan konseptual, aplikasi teori, serta kajian analitis di bidang rekayasa sistem dan industri dalam keilmuan Teknik Industri dan Sistem Informasi. Mulai tahun 2017 JRSI diterbitkan enam bulanan, yaitu bulan Juni dan Desember dalam bentuk online dengan e-ISSN 2579-9142.
    Setelah sebelumnya mulai tahun 2014 terbit dalam bentuk cetak tiga bulanan dengan p-ISSN 2356-0843.


    Jurnal TEKTRIKA didekasikan untuk menjadi salah satu media publikasi dan diseminasi penelitian para akademisi, peneliti dan masyarakat umum dalam bidang keilmuan Telekomunikasi, Kendali, Komputer, Elektrik dan Elektronika. Jurnal ini diterbitkan oleh Fakultas Teknik Elektro Universitas Telkom Bandung mulai tahun 2016 ini dan merupakan kelanjutan dari jurnal JURTEL yang telah dipublikasikan sejak tahun 1997. Dengan demikian, topik yang dipublikasikan pada jurnal ini tentunya lebih luas cakupannya, yakni bidang Teknologi Elektro. Lebih lanjut, jurnal TEKTRIKA ini diharapkan menjadi wadah interaksi ilmiah antar peneliti pada level nasional yang mampu menginspirasi penelitian, pendidkan dan pengajaran termasuk semua aspek pemanfaatan Teknologi Elektro dalam industri. 

    The journal is indexed by google shcolar, garuda, crossref and sinta


    JURNAL RUPA adalah jurnal ilmiah dengan sistem penelaahan sejawat (peer-review) yang ditujukan untuk menjadi wadah bagi dialog lintas disiplin di dalam lingkup seni, kriya, dan budaya visual. Jurnal ini membuka tulisan dari peneliti, seniman, desainer, sejarawan, dan penulis dari lingkup yang lebih luas dalam penelaahan budaya visual. JURNAL RUPA berupaya untuk menyeimbangkan berbagai macam artikel: artikel teoretik atau riset empiris, esai, studi kasus, artikel ulasan, artikel uraian, ulasan pameran dan buku.

    Jurnal ini dikelola oleh Kelompok Keahlian Seni, Estetika, dan Kekaryaan - Universitas Telkom dan diterbitkan dua tahun sekali (pada bulan Agustus dan Desember) oleh Universitas Telkom

    JURNAL RUPA telah terindeks SINTA.

  • JAF (Journal of Accounting and Finance)


    JAF (Journal Of Accounting And Finance) is a scientific publication journal managed and published by the School of Economics and Business, Telkom University Bandung, Indonesia. JAF collaborates with Ikatan Akuntan Indonesia to help solve accounting and finance issues. JAF aims to enhance communication between academic communities, governments, businesses, professional groups, and non-governmental organizations. JAF was published in 2017 twice a year in March and September.

    JAF publishes papers on issues related to accounting and finance, including Accounting and Financial Information, Accounting Information Systems, Auditing, Behavioral financial and accounting research, Taxation, Fraud Research, Corporate finance, Cost Accounting, Ethical Issues in Accounting and Financial Reporting, Financial Accounting, Financial Management, International Accounting and Finance, Investments, Management Accounting, Portfolio, Management, Risk Management, Social and Environmental Accounting, Corporate Finance, Capital Market, Market Discipline, Behavioral Finance, International Finance, Market Microstructure. JAF publishes original papers, review papers, conceptual frameworks, analytical and simulation models, case studies, empirical research, technical notes, and book reviews.

    Authors who send journal manuscripts to editors are expected to have used the template provided and are free from elements of plagiarism, therefore it is expected that each author must first ensure that his journal manuscript has gone through a turn-it-in before being sent to the editor. Journal manuscripts that have high plagiarism will be rejected before being reviewed.

    Manuscripts are subjected to a double-blind review process and are reviewed by two independent reviewers, with the exception of papers invited for fast-track publication that are reviewed by an independent reviewer. Decisions regarding the publication of a manuscript are based on the recommendations of these reviewers. Reviewers evaluate manuscripts based on their appropriateness for the journal, significance of contribution to the discipline, conceptual adequacy, technical adequacy, and clarity of presentation. Manuscripts of members of the journal team are subjected to the same review procedures.


    The editors and publisher of the Journal of Accounting and Finance (JAF) have made every possible effort to verify the accuracy of all information contained in this publication. Any opinions, discussions, views, and recommendations expressed in the article are solely those of the authors and are not of the Journal of Accounting and Finance (JAF), its editors, or its publisher. The Journal of Accounting and Finance (JAF), its editors, and its publisher will not be liable for any direct, indirect, consequential, special, exemplary, or other damages arising from that place.


  • Charity : Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat

    Jurnal Charity didedikasikan untuk menjadi salah satu media publikasi hasil kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat yang meliputi bidang Manajemen, Teknologi, Komunikasi, dan Seni. Jurnal ini diterbitkan oleh Universitas Telkom mulai tahun 2018 dengan periode penerbitan dua kali dalam satu tahun.

    Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat “Charity” ini diharapkan menjadi wadah interaksi bertaraf nasional dan menjadi sumber referensi yang bermutu bagi pihak-pihak terkait serta mendatangkan manfaat bagi masyarakat secara umum.

  • Business Journal : Jurnal Bisnis Dan Sosial

    Business Journal : Jurnal Bisnis Dan Sosial yang diterbitkan oleh Program Studi Administrasi Bisnis, Fakultas Komunikasi dan Bisnis, Universitas Telkom, adalah media untuk menerbitkan hasil penelitian kalangan akademisi dan praktisi dengan kajian pada bidang bisnis dan sosial di lingkungan internal maupun lingkungan eksternal program studi administrasi bisnis Universitas Telkom, sehingga dengan Business Journal : Jurnal Bisnis Dan Sosial ini dapat lebih meningkatkan bidang penelitian dan pengkajian secara keilmuan.

    e-ISSN: 2620-3634

  • CEPAT Journal of Computer Engineering: Progress, Application and Technology

    CEPAT is a peer-reviewed journal that is published quarterly (every three months) in February, May, August and November. CEPAT is published by the Department of Computer Engineering, School of Electrical Engineering, Telkom University, and was first published in May 2022.

    CEPAT aims to encourage developments in computer technology which covers various topics related to Computer Engineering, including its research Progress, Application, and Technology.

    This journal scopes are including but not limited to Computer Engineering, Computer System, Computer Application, Computer Technology, Multimedia Application, Mobile Computing & Applications, Internet of Things, UI/UX,  Information Systems and Technologies, E-Learning & Distance Learning, Infrastructure Systems and Services, E-Government, E-Business & E-Commerce, Artificial Intelligence, Embedded System, Network & Data Communication, Databases, Big Data, Data Mining, Software Engineering, Computer Network, Computer Architecture, Computer Security, Soft Computing and Intelligent System, Computer Apps in Electrical/Telecommunication Engineering, Data Science & Analysis, Applied Science, Data Processing in Remote Sensing Technology, Ionospheric Monitoring Data, Computer and Information Engineering.

  • KalaTanda

    KALATANDA adalah jurnal penulisan hasil karya ilmiah yang berbasis penelitian, temuan dan kebaruan ide karya seni atau desain dengan tujuan untuk meningkatkan kapasitas dan kapabilitas civitas akademik perguruan tinggi, praktisi serta peneliti & masyarakat umum dalam pengembangan ilmu pengetahuan Desain Komunikasi Visual dan secara khusus bidang Grafis dan Multimedia. Terbitan berkala ilmiah ini diterbitkan sekurang-kurangnya dua edisi setiap volumenya.

  • Journal of Data Science and Its Applications

    Journal of Data Science and Its Applications (JDSA) is a peer-reviewed journal in the field of data science that is published twice a year; scheduled in March and September.

    The journal is published for those who wish to share information about their research and innovations and for those who want to know the latest results in the field of Data Science and Its Applications. The Journal is published by the School of Computing, Telkom University, Bandung, Indonesia. Accepted paper will be available online (free access), and there will be no publication fee. Author will get their own personal copy of the paperwork.


  • Indonesian Journal of Digital Public Relations (IJDPR)

    Indonesian Journal of Digital Public Relations (IJDPR) adalah jurnal ilmiah yang diterbitkan oleh Program Studi Digital Public Relations (DPR) Fakultas Ilmu Komunikasi dan Bisnis (FKB) Universitas Telkom. Jurnal ini terbit secara periodik yang bertujuan untuk mengembangkan konsep, teori, perspektif, paradigma, dan metodelogi yang fokus pada kajian public relations. Terbit secara berkala dalam satu tahun satu volume dan dua nomor setiap enam bulan, yakni nomor 1 pada Agustus dan nomor 2 pada Januari.

  • LOGIC: Jurnal Penelitian Informatika

    LOGIC: Jurnal Penelitian Informatika is one of the journals of scientific publications published by the School of Computing, Telkom University. The JIF aims to encourage and facilitate the exchange of knowledge, research, and innovation in computer science. Informatics journals aim to provide a platform for researchers, scientists, and computer science practitioners in Indonesia. Also share new discoveries, developments, and understandings within this discipline. LOGIC is published twice a year.

  • Journal of Indonesia Business Research (JIBR)

    The Journal of Indonesia Business Research (JIBR) is a scholarly periodical that is issued by the Faculty of Economics and Business at Telkom University. JIBR's mission is to encourage and facilitate the dissemination of knowledge, research, and new ideas for the creative development of enterprise eco-systems in the fields of economics and digital business. Journal of indonesia business research is published twice a year.

  • Journal of Production, Enterprise, and Industrial Applications

    The Faculty of Industrial Engineering publishes a scientific journal entitled Journal of Production, Enterprise, and Industrial Applications (JPEIA). The main objective is to facilitate high-quality research and academic contributions in the fields of production, corporate management, and technology-based industrial applications that contribute to the national economy. JPEIA is very enthusiastic about its goal of being the best platform for researchers, academics, and industry practitioners. There are two editions of the Industrial Engineering Journal every year. 

  • Journal of Communication, Business and Social Science (JCOBS)

    The School of Communication and Business at Telkom University publishes the academic journal Journal of Communication, Business, and Social Science (JCOBS). The Journal of Communication, Business, and Social Science (JCOBS) is a scholarly publication devoted to the development and maintenance of information technology-based international education standards. By providing a forum for research and scholarly contributions, JCOBS not only disseminates but also develops internationally renowned fields of communication and business science. In addition, the journal employs knowledge in the field of information technology to promote the progress and prosperity of the nation's culture through the cultivation of entrepreneurial skills. JCOBS plays an integral role in influencing the future of sustainable education and research and has a positive impact on the global development of society through its dedication to progress and innovation.

  • Jurnal Nasional SAINS dan TEKNIK

    The journal is an integral part of the larger vision published by the Faculty of  Electrical Engineering, Telkom University to develop international standardized knowledge and innovations in the fields of electrical engineering and physics engineering, focusing on information technology. With the aim of supporting the development of science and technology in Indonesia as well as sharing findings and innovative ideas in science and engineering. The Jurnal Nasional SAINS dan TEKNIK became a channel to disseminate research findings that could have an impact on a global scale by publishing high-quality research. 

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